Scoliosis FAQs

Someone pointing to a spine

Scoliosis FAQs

Scoliosis is common enough that all children should be tested for it and treated when necessary. If your child has this condition, call Boca Health & Wellness Center to schedule an assessment from our chiropractor, Dr. Caruso.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a spinal condition in which the spine curves sideways. It most often develops during a pre-puberty growth spurt. For most cases of scoliosis, science doesn't yet know the reason why they develop. Sometimes, however, it can be caused by diseases like muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy.

Who Gets Scoliosis?

Children get this condition just before their puberty begins. Among all adolescents, around 3% have this condition. Most of the time, scoliosis cases are mild and do not require treatment. However, many severe cases can cause the child to become disabled. Boys and girls get mild scoliosis at about the same rate, but girls are far more likely to develop a severe case of the condition.

How Does Scoliosis Affect Kids?

This condition can give the child decreased chest space which may lead to breathing problems. The spine curvature can also make it more difficult to do normal daily activities and can cause back pain. Severe cases of scoliosis require treatment and surgery may be needed to correct the problem. It can cause damage to the heart and lungs.

What Are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

During visits with a pediatrician, your child will be assessed for scoliosis. If you see any of the symptoms of this condition, it is necessary for you to see your pediatrician soon. Symptoms of scoliosis include your child's shoulders being uneven, an uneven waist, having one prominent shoulder blade, and having one higher hip.

Scoliosis Relief in Boca Raton, FL

If your child has scoliosis, contact our team at Boca Health & Wellness Center to make an appointment. We can provide effective pain relief from scoliosis without having to rely on pain medication or surgery. Call us today at (561) 447-2228 to learn more or to schedule a consultation.